If you live in Titusville, Florida and are having trouble making your mortgage payment, do not just walk away from your home and think everything will be o.k. The fact is, if you walk away without resolving your debt with the bank, the bank can sue you for the difference between what you owe on the mortgage and what the bank recovers at a foreclosure sale. A recent post in the Sun-Sentinel gives a brief explanation of what a bank may do to recover the money you owe. http://www.sun-sentinel.com/business/fl-bank-mortgage-garnish-20110107,0,5129126.story
If you are considering walking away from your home because you can't make the payments and you owe more than the home is worth, you should speak with a Titusville Florida Foreclosure Attorney to see how we can keep you in your home mortgage free (sometimes for more than 1 year) while negotiating with the bank to waive your debt on the mortgage. The Bowin Law Group can advise you on your options, including short-sale, deed-in-lieu, and strategic default. With the right guidance, you can put tens of thousands of dollars in your pocket and walk away free and clear of your obligation to the mortgage company. Without the right guidance, you risk facing decades worth of collection actions from the bank, including wage and bank account garnishments.
Contact the Bowin Law Group today to schedule a free consultation in our Melbourne or Cocoa Village office.
We are Brevard's Hometown Law Group

Titusville Florida Foreclosure Attorney: Banks May Come After Homeowners' Assets After Foreclosure
Beau Bowin