Melbourne Florida foreclosure defense attorney wins appeal, reverses foreclosure judgment


Melbourne Foreclosure Attorney, Beau Bowin, just won another appeal of a trial court foreclosure judgment. The trial court entered judgment for the bank and scheduled a foreclosure sale. The trial attorney referred the case to Bowin Law Group. We took the case on a contingency agreement, agreeing to be paid only if we won the appeal (fees to be paid by the bank).

The Bowin Law Group's foreclosure attorney successfully argued that the bank failed to prove its compliance with pre-foreclosure notice requirements.

Every appellate victory is satisfying. It is particularly so where we are able to reverse a foreclosure judgment. I am so happy to deliver the good news to my clients. It's such a relief for them. The battle is not over yet, but we stand ready to fight.

If you are facing foreclosure, call us for a free phone consultation to see how our foreclosure attorney can help you.

Bowin Law Group

Brevard's Hometown Law Group